Friday, January 18, 2013

First Post Of The Year!

No, I didn't forget I have a blog and I wonder if people still remember that I have a blog? 0___0 I really have nothing to blog about unless you wanna hear about how I'm really proud that I managed to wake up at 8.30 am today without an alarm and there was no class. But if I were to blog about that, this post will end here already D; 

Or or I can talk about how I managed to file up my notes like finally! Now I can proudly tell people that I'm a girl! Knowing that some of you wouldn't believe my words, here's a picture as proof ^__^ 

Or do you want me to write a long post on Vampire Diaries and Suits. I can write about how Elena is a bitch but Elena's fans will hate me or I can write about how Mike Ross is such a playboy but Mike Ross's fans will find their way to my house and bomb me. 

Maybe I should blog about Sports Carnival but oh yeah I didn't attend because I was too lazy. ^_____^V So now you get why I have nothing to blog about? ): Unless people start giving me ideas on what to blog about ): 

Kthxbai what a useless blog post samo first post of the year. HAHAHA

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