Friday, October 26, 2012

10 Things.

1. Nobody wakes up early in the morning, looking gorgeous because even Megan Fox has her ugly times. It's okay to wake up looking like a hobo with messy hair and swollen eyes. And it's okay to have bad hair days because if there are bad hair days, there'll definitely be good ones and that's when you start taking pictures of yourself *cough*.

So here's a picture of young Megan Fox. But, look at her, can you feel her happiness through that sincere smile? I can. 

2. Standing in a really long line, waiting for your turn to pay for your groceries or movie tickets or food or anything at all, and suddenly having a cashier unexpectedly opening a new register, calling out for you. Or how I coincidentally chose not to park at the back of the college, where I park almost every day and managed to escape from receiving a summon. Simple things that can make you go "OMFG TODAY IS MY LUCKY DAY. GOOD DAY,

3. Other simple things which you and I would be really happy for but might not notice; turning to the channel you were watching right when the commercial breaks ended, just in time for your favourite tv shows or writing out a tweet which is exactly 140 characters long or telling a funny story to your gang of friends but drawing bonus laughters from other people who were nearby.

4. People should stop being overly-sensitive. For example, not being invited to an event or outing which you already know you wouldn't wanna go and still get pissed for not being invited. Don't tell me it's manners to invite or something no matter what. How about you think of it in a good way, your friends are merely being understanding, knowing you well and thus the non-invitation. Think of it, life would be better like this. 

5. Stop judging. You see this guy walking with his hips swaying with an unmanly voice. What's the first thing you can think of? Oh, he's gay, he's definitely gay. And this is so me so I'm actually trying to tell myself to stop judging and even if I judged, let's just keep it to myself. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable being around someone who judges too much. Tell me, how do you feel comfortable with someone who might notice every imperfection in you and start judging on it?

6. Why is it wrong for a girl to always be the one to start a conversation with a guy first? Oh go on and tell me it's not wrong and how nobody said it's wrong. Then, go on and call the girl a bitch after that. Are you freaking kidding me? 

7. Don't you just hate people telling the juniors how PMR or UPSR is a piece of cake and you go like "Oh, I can close my eyes and get an A for the papers. I don't get why you guys are worrying so much. A levels is definitely ten times more difficult." Bitch please, were you not stressed out last time too? Okay, let's just assume that you weren't, stop being that bitchy senior, teasing your juniors because that's really annoying.

8. Why are seniors a lot more attractive in a girl's mind compared to guys at their age? Because that's what I feel at least. :3

9. Here's some things even the nicest people does; Act like they don't see someone that they definitely recognise and know but would rather not engage in an awkward what-are-you-up-to conversation or completely ignoring someone's story because you cannot wait to tell your much better story or deciding which photos will be uploaded to Facebook solely considering on your own appearance regardless on how unappealing your friends might look in the pictures.

10. Now, reaching the conclusion, why am I such a hypocrite? HAHAHA. Have a lovely day. 

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