Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dramaholic In Action.

Harlo, if you think you like dramas, we can shake hand, sit down, have a cup of milo and be best friends because I am a dramaholic. ^______^

Signs that I'm addicted to dramas? 
1. You tweet about getting addicted to dramas that i think everyone who follows me on Twitter will get annoyed one day LOL

2. You have this mindset that anything besides studying and watching dramas is a waste of time. I even started calculating how many episodes I could've watched if I didn't waste this much time or if I didn't do this or do that. 

3. You have a crush on the actors. T____T 

4. You finished episodes after episodes, watching them through phone because you tried resisting by switching off the laptop. 

5. You force your best friend to watch certain parts of the drama because it's THAT GOOD. And then your best friend gets damn happy when there's problem loading that page or something but I AM NOT SOMEONE WHO GIVES UP THIS EASILY, so I will find a way to make it watchable (is there such word?).

Effects of watching dramas?

1. Not sure if lifeless or just lifeless cause when there're dramas to watch, I would prefer staying at home than going out. I will be like, "But what is wrong with staying at home, watching dramas, on your bed, alone, wearing comfortable clothes, looking like a hobo and crying/laughing to yourself? I really like this." compared to the "THAT'S IT. I'VE NOT GONE OUT FOR A WEEK ALREADY. I NEED TO GO OUT NOW. *WHATSAPP FRIENDS*" 

2. You start collecting fats. Eat already then sit down or eat already then lay on bed watch dramas. If I continue doing this, you'll see me in Biggest Loser tv show already.

3. You get super emotional watching dramas. ): But then, dramas make me really happy too. :'D I really don't feel bad spending time watching dramas at all. Not sure if I'm just good at self consoling or I'm just a person who doesn't feel guilty for slacking.

4. I think I'm gonna get weird stares for this. I dropped a glass today because I was thinking about the drama so I wasn't concentrating on what I was doing HAHAHA. Ksorrybai. 

5. Having high expectations thanks to dramas. Let say for example, these few guys I thought were cute are now just okay looking after watching dramas cause actors in dramas are a lot cuter HAHAHA wth kill me already.

Steps in curing addiction towards drama?

Sorry lah but I think I need to know the steps more than you people lah please. 

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