Friday, September 7, 2012

How To Know If You Love Blogging?

So, I'll be writing on how to know if you love blogging today! Kayh, because I personally love blogging so I thought it would be cool to share how I feel about blogging or how I feel as a blogger. 

1) You're currently with your friends for an event, outing or whatsoever but a blog post is already automatically drafted out in your mind.This can sound pretty creepy but it's true. Well, at least for me. But having a blog post drafted out mentally doesn't mean I'll have to really blog it out. Because I tend to forget the things I wanted to write about. 

2) You take pictures or ask your friends to take pictures. Probably half of you do not know this but I don't take pictures for nothing. I usually take them so I can have something to blog about or at least I'll have some pictures to go along with the writing. DO YOU WANT POSTS WITH NO PICTURES AT ALL? KAY UNLESS YOU REALLY LOVE STUFFS I WRITE SO MUCH THAT YOU DON'T THINK I SHOULD WASTE SPACE PUTTING PICTURES IN MY POSTS, YOU BETTER TELL ME NOW. I'LL SEND YOU A LONG EMAIL OF CRAPS. MY CRAPS. 

3) You write a post on 'How To Know If You Love Blogging?' because you think you're qualified to do so. Probably because you already know that blogging is your life and since you're so sure about it, why not blog about it right! (actually cause I don't know what to blog about lah)

4) You have bloggers as idols instead of Donald Trump or Megan Fox. Kay, sad life I know. But I seriously do take them as my idol or probably motivation to keep me blogging. 

5) You're actually proud to be a blogger whether famous or not. I obviously belong to the not famous group but it's totally okay for me because blogging is my passion so why complain? 

6) You blog when you're moody or stressed up. I don't know, but blogging does make me happy. I feel complete right after I press 'publish'.

7) When you're asked to fill in a form on your hobbies, you put 'blogging' before everything. 
eg. Hobby: Blogging, shitting, peeing, camwhoring, etc. 

8) You get excited when you find out your friend has a blog too. You literally go "OMGGGGGGGGGG YOU HAVE A BLOG TOO?! ME TOOOO!!" But Oscar claimed that I "OMG" on small things, big things so yeah. 

9) You sacrifice tv for blogging T_______T Everybody give me a round of applause NOW! Like come on, I'm a tvholic you know i know.

10) You'll miss blogging after not blogging for two weeks or even less. This is why blogging is always at the top of my after-exam-to-do-list LOL.


1 comment:

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