Saturday, April 21, 2012

I say, can you believe it?

Decided to blog today and got a shock of my life seeing the new blogger. I don't get why social networks or other sort of internet webpages are making drastic changes from time to time. I know it's for the good of course. I mean like who would want to change towards the bad side right and after all I'm pretty sure big companies like this would probably carry out long discussions to decide on this. Must be appreciative! But the blogger's new look isn't bad at all lah actually I just need to start adapting to it. 

Seee! It's a lot more organised and you suddenly feel like a pro typing on a site that looks super modernized and tidy. :D

Still trying to like Facebook's timeline. I don't know but some people had been telling me that the new Facebook timeline is awesome (including my dad who loves it because it looks pretty -.-). Well everyone has their own point of view. I don't really like how packed the timeline is. It's like flooded with things everywhere and people can stalk you even more easily now. Don't think it's organised enough. I don't know.


I don't know if you know about this but I've been blogging since the age of 12. I had this super awesome class teacher that taught us how to create a blog, decorate it and stuffs. I didn't even know what blogs are at first. And she usually give us assignments to do and we're of course supposed to complete it by posting them on our blogs. It was super enjoyable because we get to choose our own blog skins and fill in our blogs with musics we like. Then we get to visit each other's blogs and leave a comment at the chatbox or comment. My first blog template was Winnie The Pooh's skin. The url was of course crappy cause I was pissed off by how all the url I came up with are already taken so I crapped up a url.

Then, as I graduated from primary school, I continued blogging with some other friends. What kept me going on was because my brother was a blogger too. Seeing how he blogs, I find it pretty entertaining though he stopped blogging long time ago. I, however never stopped blogging. I might be a lazy blogger at times but come to think of it, I don't think I'll ever stop blogging. 

The truth is blogging makes me feel like me. I don't blog to impress people. I don't blog to  criticize people. I mean like, my blog's not even popular and I don't get many visitors. AFTER ALL, WHO BLOGS ABOUT BANANA CAKES TO IMPRESS PEOPLE. My visitors are just some friends of mine who are constantly reading on my posts. Blogging makes me feel better all the time. And blogging makes me remember of course. Cause I don't have a good memory T__T So blogging's like a diary except it's being read by other people. And since I complain a lot, I can always find blogging useful huhu. :3

So basically this post is like me confessing my love towards blogging. 
How jakun. Who even does that. HAHA. 

1 comment:

Kwok Han said...

Super thumb up. (Y) :)